Abode Yoga
We’ve all heard the saying “treat your body like A temple”.
How about “treat your body like your HOME.”
Book an appointment.
Ready to work together? Lets find that works best for you! Send us an email to set up your first session!
Or sign up for one of our classes hosted at We The People Fitness Studio
Abode is all about you coming home to yourself in all ways that can mean. There is no right or wrong way to come home to yourself which is what the journey is about. Abode offers both private 1:1 sessions in person at your home (or virtually) and group classes at We The People Fitness Studio here in Chicago.
Katonah Yoga is a technique used to create joy. Created by Navine Michane in Katonah, New York and is a technique used to enhance your current practice. The techniqunies combine elements from Hatha, Iyengar and Kundalini Yoga. Utilizes sacred geometry which is the theory on how the body fits itself and plays a very present theme through the practice. Lastly, it is rooted in Taoist theory which guides you for personal growth and well-being.
First off, Hi Hello. Wether you are interested in Group Classes or 1:1 private sessions I am are here for you! You don’t have to have previous yoga experience to come to class or opt for the 1:1 experience.
For group classes, classes are all levels. There are mats available to use but it is encouraged to bring your own. Blocks, bolsters and straps are also provided. Water is encouraged and can be nice to have on hand. For the practice I like to encourage comfortable clothes that you can be dynamic and move in (my favorite is sweatpants!)
For private 1:1 sessions, I will bring my props to you and if you have props too, great! The more the merrier. For private sessions, all you need is a space that we are able to move in.
For all of our group classes we host them out of We The People Fitness Studio located in the Goose Island area of Chicago. Location details will be on your reservation receipt.
For class, it is “all level”. Meaning you can be new to yoga or have been practicing for years! Our focus is on community and “playing” together.
For class, it is encouraged to wear clothes you feel comfortable being dynamic in and potentially sweating in. Water can also be nice to have. there is a water dispenser in the space to refill bottles should you need to.
There are bathrooms on sight for your usage too.
If you have further questions feel free to shoot over an email!